Everything was as expectet and perfekt but it takes some time for the trousers to be deliverd i think 20 days or smth like that but all in all a good experience
the helmet is very good and beautiful. the box in which it arrives could be a little stronger on the other hand, of better quality, because it risks breaking. but the helmet is beautiful and functional. the application is quite complete but I would have brought an update with more possibilities. and when you put the helmet on, there are some small plastic parts that touch the head and it hurts a little. that's a shame. but otherwise, very good.
Cheap plastic. Definitely not what I thought I was ordering. Very uncomfortable and to much for what it is.
Dear David,
Thank you for reaching out and sharing your feedback. I’m truly sorry to hear that our Outdoor Sport Black Half Face Mask did not meet your expectations. Your satisfaction is very important to us, and we take your comments seriously.
We strive to provide high-quality products, and it’s disappointing to learn that you found the item uncomfortable and not as anticipated. I would appreciate the opportunity to make this right for you.
Could you please provide more details about your experience? This will help us address your concerns more effectively. Additionally, if you would like to discuss a return or exchange, we can certainly assist with that.